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Large “Neebna” Paintstones

introducing “Large (Neebna) Paintstones” after much deliberation we decided to call them what they are😂. In Ojibwe “Neebna” means “Lots!” A serious volume of paint, about three times a regular paintstone, about 15ml, these big colors have a wide surface and deep reservoir full of paint! Built to last! Handmade in the same fashion as our regular paintstones, handmade beeswaxed cloth wrappers, an inch and a quarter in diameter. We’ve also made maple palettes to hold these big wonders! Handmade from our family’s sugarbush, heat treated, this salvaged wood dries naturally standing in the forest, and is removed in the caretaking of the sugarbush, as it has been for generations. Dense, it feels like living stone. 

Paint with joy and freedom with no worries about using “too much” or running out!